Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday: let the pun begin!

Happy Thankful Thursday!

i'm going to get straight to the point.
i love puns
like a lot

they're probably one of my favorite things
and they make me so incredibly happy
they bring me so much joy
whether they're spur of the moment or carefully thought out
i just love them

puns all day
erry day

i have to believe that God has an amazing sense of humor
after all we are created in His image
we reflect His characteristics
and humor is definitely a characteristic that people have
so it must come from Him
{i can only imagine how punderful His jokes would be}

so today i am thankful for humor
for joy
for laughing
for goofiness
for puns

and just for you
here are some puns that i myself have enjoyed
and they are most certainly pun in a million
now let the pun being!...






what are the things you thankful for
 that make you laugh
 that bring you joy? 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday: He is good in all things.

happy Thankful Thursday
and a very happy first week of november to you!

i've been teetering back and forth 
all day
whether or not i should post anything today
but today, just like every day
 god deserves praise

i really have no idea how this post is going to turn out
i've been struggling to put words to what is actually going on in my head
so i'm just writing
 bear with me

the past couple of weeks have been an emotional roller coaster
so many ups and downs
and while my 15 year old self loved the thrill of roller coasters
my 25 year old self feels sick just thinking about them
{such a travesty} 
 there have been so many feelings that have accompanied the past couple weeks
 sorrow, joy, heartache, wonder, frustration, love, desperation,
disappointment, loneliness, excitement, hope....
{just to name a few}

i've learned over the past couple of years
that i'm a feeler
like a true blue feeler
{myers briggs and strength finders have confirmed it}
i feel every spectrum of emotion
my own emotions and the emotions of those around me
a lot of times when ups and downs occur close together
i have a hard time keeping up with what i'm actually feeling
so i become numb
unable explain to anyone what is actually going on inside
and i have to spend days
{sometimes weeks}
sifting through each emotion with the lord
and currently that's where i'm at
im sifting
if you're a feeler too
{which i'm sure some of you are}
then i'm sure you have an idea of what i'm talking about

i won't go into detail about each of the things that
i'm processing through
because one-i'm still processing
and two-because you probably don't really want to hear it all anyway
but what i can say is that in all these ups and downs
God is at work
He is shifting things
He is changing things
in my life
and in the lives of others
He is beginning stories, continuing stories, and sadly, He is finishing stories
and He deserves praise and glory in it all

so today i am thankful 
 that hope is found in Christ
that Christ conquered death
the privilege to staff the 2013 santa monica summer project 

for the life and legacy of a sweet girl named janee
 {a student from our summer project}
who lived her life so very well
who radiated Christ's joy and love
who had the most beautiful smile
it was an accident that took her from us
 but i am so thankful that she is now at home in the arms of her savior
that God is using janee's life and death to change lives for the course of eternity
for the reminder that life is precious
that people should not be taken for granted
because in the blink of an eye
without notice or question
 they can be taken away
and for the reminder that God is sovereign
that He is good in all things
today i am also thankful for new life
for the opportunity to spend an afternoon celebrating the arrival of my nephew
for all the family and friends that came out for his shower on sunday

for getting to be an auntie
newborn snuggles
newborn noises
newborn hand holding
{ugh i love it all}

watching my niece grow up and be a big sister
the desire to one day be a mother
{yikes scary}
getting to be creative
baking molasses cookies
my brother begging me to bake more molasses cookies
watching parks and rec with my brother
spending time with these ladies

all the things i'm continuing to learn at my new job
morning conversations with god during my two hour commute to work
{thanks traffic}
the people i get to work with
pizza and wine
watching once upon a time
getting ministry updates in the mail from friends who are serving the Lord all over the world
my running shoes
puns, i absolutely love puns, like a lot
for the month of october and all that it did and didn't bring
learning to be persistent in prayer
for being a feeler
that no matter where i am, where i'm going, or what i'm doing
God is with me always
for incredibly sweet friends
like this girl...

and this one too...

the family that i get to be a part of
my parents
my brother
my sister's
lastly i am thankful 
that this world isn't my home
that as a daughter of the king my citizenship is in heaven
that this world with all it's pain and suffering is only temporary
that there is a God who is awaiting His children's arrival home
in a place more glorious than we can fathom
where joy and love are unending

so tell me,
what are YOU thankful for today?...

for those who want to hear a little more of janee's story
and the impact she has left
you can check out this recent video  from a chico news station
please pray for her family and friends
 the chico community
for chico cru
and for the driver of the car who was also a part of the accident
pray for peace and restoration
pray that in all of this God would be glorified

Friday, October 25, 2013

The One With a New Job & a New Man

Happy thankful thursday friday to you.

i tried so hard to get this post up yesterday
but didn't quite make it in time
i'm spent
life has been crazy
i've been sick
and feel like i'm never home long enough
to get anything done
{i'm certain you know exactly what i mean}

well it's friday
but we can definitely still be thankful

i'm excited to say that
a lot has changed since my last
a lot

has anyone ever told you that
"a lot can happen in a week, a month, a year?..."
well people have been telling me that for some time now
normally i would jump right on board with that
and get super excited thinking about all that god could do 
but since moving home all i seem to be capable of is
 halfheartedly agreeing with them
knowing full well that god is capable of doing anything and everything
but not believing that he could or would want to do big things in my life
because well, i moved back home and have nothing going for myself
{talk about a bad attitude 
and totally wrong view of god, sheesh}
whenever someone tells me a lot can happen
i just brush it off

well i'm here to tell you
they're right
and i'm so thankful i'm wrong
because a lot can happen
a lot can happen in just two days
god can completely change lives
and i'm so thankful for the way he has been working and changing the lives of those around me
and the ways he's been changing mine
and heaven knows i don't deserve any of it

day one...
by god's amazing grace
i got a job
working with flowers
{which i'll share a bit more about in an upcoming post}
i honestly don't know how it happened
but it did
it came out of nowhere
{or so i thought}
i'm really not qualified for it
but someone decided to take a giant chance on me
i'm learning tons and trying to soak up all i can
it can get a little frustrating and tiring as i'm learning and making mistakes
but the crazy thing is i'm having fun doing it
how is this possible???

day two, the next day...
there's now a new man in my life
exciting right?!
but no it's not what you think
this guy weighs only 6 lbs 11 oz
and is almost 1 week old
on october 18th my baby nephew made his grand entrance into the world

it was my first day on the job
and i got a text from my sister that she thinks she might be in labor
that if i was available i was needed to come down and help take care of my niece
it was a little less than an hour after receiving that text that i got another one
this one from my brother in law
"HE'S HERE!!!!"
so yes, she was in fact in labor and barely made it to the hospital
{both mom and baby were and are very happy and healthy}
praise god

 the second he was in my arms
i was done for
with that wrinkly old man forehead, tiny hands, newborn noises
 and those oh so adorable lips
 i was a goner
he's not even my kid
{though we do share some genes}
and the feelings of love and joy were so overwhelming
i thought my heart was going to explode
i can't even imagine what it will be like
if i ever have my own children
{i better just stick to nieces and nephews for now}

so there you have it
in two days
i interviewed for a job
got a job
started a job
and got a nephew
a lot in fact has happened
and my life is definitely changing
and i'm so very thankful

i think this goes without saying
but today i am thankful for
god's plan unraveling 
new jobs
 davin jeffery brady the new man in my life
 his safe delivery

watching my sister be a mom
watching my parents love on their grandchildren
getting to be an auntie
weekends spent with my family
dinners out
frozen yogurt
going on walks with my niece addie
 addie asking to pick flowers with me and teaching her how to arrange them

sweet cards in the mail
god's financial provisions
friends who pray for me
friends who i get to pray for
phone dates
early morning rays of sunshine on the 405
{ignore my nasty windshield}

baby shower planning
my maidenhair fern that i haven't killed yet
accidentally listening to christmas music
delicious home cooked meals
a good glass of wine
ice cream
visits with my sweet friend margo

google hangouts
brisk evening runs
being greeted at the front door by my dog 
babysitting for a sweet family
and getting to brush up on my spanish skills
{gracias dora}

continuing to get settled in 
parents who are still letting me live at home
living close to my sweet friends michelle and jake
learning new recipes
getting to do flowers for parties
learning new floral design techniques
and the people who are so willing to teach me
being surrounded by unbelievably beautiful flowers all day long

and im so thankful that there is a god who loves us so much 
that no matter how unpleasant we are
he is always at work in our lives
whether or not we see it or believe it
i honestly don't know what i'd do without him

as we enter into the weekend what are you thankful for?
what are those things that have happened in days, weeks, months, that have changed your life in some way?....

Friday, October 11, 2013

A Ferny & Flowery Friday

ok, so what girl hasn't thought about her wedding day
at least a tiny bit?...

well, the ever so tiny thoughts i've had about my wedding
involve being outside somewhere
in creation
surrounded by all the people i love the most
there's no where else i could imagine that moment in my life taking place
somewhere in the mountains or the woods 
where there's not much need for decorating 
because trees, ferns, and moss are in abundance
and get the job done
{obviously i've hardly thought about this}

there's something about those mossy, earthy tones
that do something to my heart
that stir up some serious passion in my soul
that send inspiration
flying all over the place in my mind

this week all i wanted to do was be outside
maybe it was the rain
everything was so lush and fresh and inviting
{albeit i wasn't entirely used to the drop in temperature}
but it was inviting none the less
and as i admired all the green around me
 inspiration struck

i wanted to create something from those mossy tones i love so much
flowers fit for that wedding in the woods
i've thought about only a tiny bit

i chose two types of simple, white flowers
and a variety of greens 
including jasmine, juniper, citrus leaves, ferns
that were cut fresh from the yard
put em all together
and this is what came about...

bouquet wrapped in lace (bottom layer) and burlap (top layer)
pinned with pearl tear drop pins

boutonniere: sword & maidenhair fern, juniper, moss and twig.

i love being inspired
i guess it really doesn't take much for me though
typically i just have to walk outside

well, until the next inspiration hits
{which im guessing won't be too long from now}
have a happy weekend!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thankfall Thursday

Happy Thankfall Thursday to you!

yesterday as i was walking my dog around the neighborhood
there was a very brisk breeze
leaves were falling off of trees
and crunching under my feet
there was the smell of fireplaces being used
bright blue skies and big puffy clouds
{as if it had just rained}
i closed my eyes and took a giant breath of the crisp air
there was no denying that fall has arrived

a week ago i wasn't ready to let go of summer
its my favorite season
 shorts. sandals. tank tops. ice cold sweet tea. late sunsets. lush green gardens
but yesterday as i took in the sights and smells of fall
i felt refreshed
and i began to gladly accept the change of season

i've just ended a season of life
a season that was extremely difficult at times
but one that i absolutely loved
graduating college
starting a full time job in ministry
building community from scratch
living with new roommates
god brought about so much change
he did things in me and around me i never thought possible
He brought people into my life i never dreamed i could love so deeply
god remained constant through that entire season

as i continued on my walk it hit me
just as i have let go of summer
its time to let go 
and gladly accept this next season of life

with a God who is constant 
i can't even begin to comprehend the things he will do in this new season
the life change 
the excitement of newness
the people i'll grow to love deeply
and of course looking back on the past season
being able to see all God did then to prepare me for where i am now

i'm ready to free"fall" into this new season

all this from going on a walk with the dog
go figure

so today
today i am thankful for 
changing seasons
crisp autumn afternoons
pumpkins on the front porch
pumpkin spice lattes

needing to curl up with a blanket while i sit here typing
phone calls from friends
babysitting two adorable kids
getting settled into my "new" home
snuggling and reading books with my almost 3 year old niece

buying adorable baby boy presents for my nephew
{who will arrive in a matter of weeks}
a brother in law who gives of his time to help me work on my resume
a sister who lets me come crash at her place
adding more weddings to my flower calendar
skyping with college friends

being able to run
trips to santa barbara
seeing people from summer project
friends who listen and speak truth into my life
 realizing the need for a heart change
late night trips to inn n out
getting to spend hours arranging tropical wedding flowers

as we enter into this new season of fall
what are you thankful for?...

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Saturday, September 21, 2013

confessions, loves & dreams of a passionate plant lover

I have been learning recently
that you shouldn't be ashamed of the things you are passionate about
it doesn't matter what people think
passions are passions
we've all got em
and everyone has those little things that make their passions unique to them
things they do, things they love, things the dream about....

well here are mine
the confessions, loves, and dreams
of a passionate plant lover

1. i don't actually have a favorite flower
2. my least favorite flowers are carnations
3. my absolute favorite plants are ferns
4. and maidenhair's are my favorite ferns
5. i have a slight obsession with moss

6. when i'm stressed out i make terrariums
7. i sometimes daydream about adventuring through forests
8. i like the hunger games because katniss has a big book of plants
{obviously a plant lover}
 9. i dream about one day going to seattle, grabbing a cup of coffee and strolling through pikes place market looking at all the pretty flowers
{and of course taking some home with me}

10. i've kept and tended to a number of gardens, but i've never had a real one of my own
11. i kill plants too.
12. i failed my first plant class at cal poly. memorizing latin isn't really my thing.
13. i very strongly disliked studying horticulture in college

14. i realized i loved horticulture a year after i graduated
15. i may or may not have kept a bag of soil under my bed at one point. it's not as dirty as it sounds. you just never know when you'll need it.
16. yes, i have talked to plants before. 
17.  i own a plant journal.
18. i dream of doing wedding flowers for the rest of my life.
19. every time i walk past a flower shop i smile and want to hug someone
20. i love having fresh flowers next to my bed

21. i've taken cuttings of plants from hillsides, roadsides and on occasion a yard or two...
22. valentines day is my favorite floral holiday because of the people i meet and the stories of love i get to hear.
23.  i've actually never received flowers from a guy
maybe one day
{a girl can dream}
24. there's nothing i love more than watching someone receive flowers.
25. 2 years ago i never dreamed i would pursue a career in horticulture.

what are the things that you dream about and love?
what are the things that make your passions your passions?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Flower Friday

Happy Friday!

so lets talk flowers shall we

i love them
i love everything about them
from their colors, fragrance, beauty
to their science, chemistry and genetic make up
{just a little nerdy i know}
how each one is unique and different
how they can brighten up a room
or a day
how they can add elements of personal touch to an event
reflect someones personality
make people smile
and bring joy

there's a flower for every occasion
but my absolute favorite occasion for flowers...
flowers for weddings are romantic

i love getting to create arrangements that are personal
that reflect the relationship between the bride and groom
and capture their personalities

my favorite part about doing weddings flowers
is watching the brides face as she sees her bouquet for the first time
pure joy

i love the way i feel when i get to create and play with flowers
and as i am currently building my portfolio
i get to play with them
a lot
this week inspiration hit
and i ran with it
i decided to play with some different textures
and colors
it was a blast
here's what i got my hands on

{white hydrangea}

{white and purple matsumoto aster}

orange spray roses
{i like that they have multiple flowers per stem}

{pink snapdragons}

{i threw in a couple sprigs of lavender leaves
to give a little bit of fragrance}

and here's what happened

a colorful brides bouquet 
wrapped and tied with sheer cream fabric

and a boutonniere for him
made with lavender sprigs
spray rose and aster
all tied and knotted in twine

stay tuned 
cause there are more flower friday's to come
next week i head to beautiful Huntington Beach
to do a fun tropical beach wedding
this flower girl's pretty excited

happy weekend!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday: idaho aspen, snail mail and deep, deep love

Happy Thankful Thursday to you!

well it happened
i made the move
and it was as hard as i thought it would be

i'm currently sitting in the room i grew up in
{and let me tell you my taste has significantly changed since i was in high school}
my bags are on the floor still very much packed
and as much as i want my things to be put away
i'm not ready to fully give in
i honestly feel that any day now i'll just hop in my car 
and head back down south
that i'll walk up the stairs to my apartment
open the door and my roommates will be waiting for me in the living room
much like they often were
i miss that

ugh it hurts 
it really hurts
i don't want to sound like a drama queen
but my heart literally aches

but that folks is how i know that these past two years
were blessings from the Lord
{albeit extremely difficult and challenging}
but my God sustained me
he gave me everything i needed on a daily basis
my home and my roommates were a huge part of that 

for the first time moving 
i cried
tears of sadness for sure
but more so tears 
of thankfulness 
of joy
of deep, deep love

i have moved a lot
and all those other times
there weren't really tears or heartache
{there was definitely sadness}
but there was mostly excitement to move out and on
this time though
there was absolutely no desire to go

my home was actually home
and my roommates....
my roommates were more like my sisters
and i learned to truly, deeply love them 
like they were my own flesh and blood
we've been through the ringer together
through loss
 hard seasons with the Lord
breakups and dating let downs
through the ups and downs of working in full time ministry
working through conflict...
we deeply know each other
and because of that we deeply love each other

 they know me well
just ask them
every single little idiosyncrasy and habit
from my love of cleaning the kitchen
to my love for puns
to how and when my introvert comes out
they know it all
and they love me none the less
and i love them even more so because of that
and i love them because of who they are

it is by no mistake we lived together
what are the chances that 4 random women
{who didn't know each other before moving in}
would have the most phenomenal 2 years living together
definitely not chance
all God
he had has a mighty plan

so today i'm choosing to rejoice over these things
to be joyful and thankful
i will push aside my disappointments
the fact that i've already argued with my brother
been frustrated with my mom
and have been experiencing some pretty unfortunate mood swings

i may not want to be where i am now
and may be completely uncertain of my future
but i will praise god
because in every season
he is faithful and his provisions are unending

today I am thankful for 
my new roommates
their names being dad, mom and little brother
home cooked meals
{not made by me}
having access to a washer and dryer in the house
waking up to find our dog curled up next to my bed
spending sweet time with my beautiful, wonderful, encouraging cousin

that her and i are the same age 
that she can speak truth from experience into my life
malls and their air conditioning  
chik-fil-a sweet tea
having a fully stocked kitchen pantry with all my baking needs
that this morning i had 3 chocolate chip cookies for breakfast
{i think that was more of a confession....}
early mornings in coffee shops
driving with the windows down
that my tiny corolla somehow miraculously held all my stuff
my cars fully funtioning air conditioning
snail mail from sweet friends awaiting my arrival home

that i didn't need to rent storage space for all of my stuff
that i can store my things in my rents garage for free
my parents front porch
falling asleep to the sounds of a trickling fountain outside my window
my moleskine plant journal
{one of the sweetest gifts i've received}
containing pressed plants from my favorite places
{most recently idaho:
a place i'm dying to go back to}

the adventures i've had
the adventures to come
the fact that i can go anywhere
and do anything
for my past roommates
and how much they have impacted my life
 all the things they've taught me....
things like how to walk deeply with Jesus 
and how to truly love those around me
{two things i've been praying for and desiring to learn over the past 2 years}
i think not

thanks roomies,
for everything

i'll bet you know what question is coming

what are you thankful for today?....

lets hear it.