Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Support Update--Lessons Learned

Yes, it did in fact happen.
God did it!
I am fully funded and a officially a Crusade staff member at UCI.

God absolutely, positively BLEW my mind in the process.
I wish I could say exactly how and when all my support came in.
But it happened so unbelievably fast, I'm not actually certain when it did.

What I can tell you is that I have never in my life experienced God in this way.
I am still in awe of the things He did.
The miracles He gave.
But mostly, I am in awe of the fact that He poured out
 so many blessings when in reality I deserved none of it.

I spent my entire summer in fear, stressing and worrying.
Completely doubting the Lord's faithfulness.
Doubting He would provide for me.
It makes me sick to my stomach really.
And yet, in His perfect timing, He provided ALL that I needed.

Lesson Learned: 
The Lord provides.

God will provide for me exactly when and where I need it.
Nothing more, nothing less.
His provisions are perfect.
The support raising experience I will never forget.
It is one that I will probably have to revert back to when I start doubting.
It will most likely one day be a story for the kids!

Lesson Learned:
The power of prayer.

I honestly should have spent more time in prayer in the earlier weeks of the summer.
It was only when I reached desperation, that prayer became the thing to do.
But even though I fell short, like I so often do;
I can honestly say that God answered every single one of my prayers.
Every specific detail, He nailed it.
God does hears us and He answers.

Lesson Learned:
Yep, I still hate talking on the phone.

I honestly thought support raising would break me of my irrational phone phobia.
Nope, not at all.
I still hate making phone calls, more than ever in fact.

Lesson Learned:
How awesome my supporters are.
I don't want to brag or anything,
But I have the greatest team of supporters, hands down, no questions asked.

A team of family, dear friends, old friends, new friends, my friends friends.
People I knew a long time ago, people I know now and people I have never met before.
People who are close by and people who are literally across the world!
 I am so thankful to each and every one of you.

Thank you for taking a big huge step of faith.
Thank you for joining me in this ministry to bring the Gospel to the lost.
Thank you for being bold and trusting God.
Without you I wouldn't be where I am.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
My heart is continuing to overflow with joy and love for each and every one of you.

I am praying, and will continue to pray, that the Lord will bless you
and your giving beyond anything you could ever imagine!
I am so excited to have you alongside me in this ministry.


HopeE said...
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HopeE said...

YAY! Praise the Lord! Can't wait to keep up on all that goes on this year. Oh, and as an interesting side-note, I also have a TERRIBLE phone phobia. Can you imagine growing up most of your life without internet or texting (hooray! for technology!)-- phones were the only way to actually get in touch with people. Terrible

Beth said...

YAY! I HATE HATE HATE the phone too. Should we blame it on Pool genes??

Love you, sister.

Jane Gordon said...

I am always reminded of the Israelites traveling through the wilderness when I go through times like you experienced. Once in the promised land things become so clear, don't they?

I have to always ask myself: Why in the world didn't I trust Him when He promises to meet my needs? Historically speaking, has He ever forsaken me? Of course not! And those ridiculous Israelites -- God was right there with them physically showing them through miracles. Things like where to go, parting the Red Sea(!!!), and providing them food every morning. Yet, they still doubted Him.

I am no different than they are. We are all the same; learning to trust more each time we are given the chance to do so, and still experiencing the pain of doubt along the way.

Rae, you are in good company when it comes to learning that His timing is perfect and His promises are true. How wonderful it is that you can articulate your learning curve in this blog. Keep on your toes and be ready for some more opportunities to trust. It's going to be a great year!

I love you, Mom

HollyB said...

dear rachel,

were you able to begin on monday, september 19, as you had hoped? or are you only just now allowed to join your team on campus?

yaaay, God! hooray for your support success, and even more for the expansion of your faith! dear Jesus, please give us more and more and more and some more FAITH!!

p.s. your blog is so stinkin' CUTE! nice graphics!

xoxoxo may the LORD bless you indeed, and use you in amazing ways to build God's kingdom! aaaaaa-men! from HollyB