Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday

When Thursday's roll around
I am always amazed how quickly these weeks are passing.

I am thankful for God's plan for the future!

Last week I submitted my application
 for a 2nd year internship with Cru at UC Irvine,
and I am so excited that the Lord has brought me to this point of decision!

I have been wrestling with what to do this next year
for a while now.
In all of my frantic and unnecessary stressing out over the matter,
I think I actually knew my decision the entire time....

God has done/is doing BIG things here at UCI,
BIG things with our students
BIG things in this ministry
and great, BIG things in my life.

This past year has been full of ups and downs,
growth and challenges, excitement
and the Lord's constant faithfulness, grace and love.

I think of what a second year could be like here
and my heart leaps with joy.

With a second year comes:
more Wahoo's fish tacos, panda bowls and great conversations in this place....

more wonderful discipleship times at the bucks with wonderful women....

and more sharing times, quiet times, and strolls in Aldrich Park....

I'm so thankful that God has a plan for me this coming year.
I am so thankful that He is leading me, growing me and shaping me for what He has in store.
I am thankful for the future!

What are you thankful for today?

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